Yup. Another month older already! When will life slow down? Little boss man is getting too big! Just tonight he would sit up (with my help) and he would lean forward and then a miracle happened and he sat up right on his own, balanced himself out, and held it for quite a while! I counld not believe it! Amazing! He is such a wiggle worm.
At 5 months Blake weighs 14 lbs 8 oz and is 25 inches long! He is (as of yesterday) now fitting into 6 month clothes. He is blowing too. It's the cutest little thing ever. I'm thinking he learne this from us seeing as how we ALWAYS blow in his face. He sticks out his tounge and puckers his little lip right up and blows. And because he drools up a swimming pool, you might get sprayed too. He is not so much into my hair lately as much as he is into grabbing at my mouth, or face for that matter. He seriously is into scratching at EVERYTHING! It drives me a little crazy. Especially at night when he is doing it to fight sleep.
Speaking of sleep. He has become a horrible sleeper. The other night, I think we experience our first night ever of him wanting to be awake. He would just lay in bed with us an look around and make pleasent little noises. And luckily he didn't make us turn on the light. So I was able to sleep through a lot of it. Yup. He ends up in bed with us for the majority of the night. And has since day one. I know. It's dangerous. But I am conviced this little boy is such a snuggle bug that he needs to sleep with us to sleep better at night. Lately he will snuggle right up next to my tummy. ( I've become a side sleeper since being pregnant). It's too cute and I have also become quite the light sleeper and can't sleep well with him there. But it's better then him beig awake every half hour or so. (At least it feels that way). We tried to feed him rice cereal the minute we got the okay. He wouldn't have anything to do with it. And now he can't get enough. Especially with the oatmeal. We started to mix it with some applesauce and man, that made all the difference. He now can't get enough. With how much he eats of rice cereal, I'm a little concerned how much he will need to eat of solids to get full.
He also started to roll ALL OVER THE PLACE! We place him on the middle of a
Blanket and not too long after he will be off of it. It's so fun to see him develop and grow, but it's also a little depressing. My baby is growing up!
He also is quit the mom as boy that kid! It's cute and frustrating at the same time. Just today I handed him to Micah so I could go to the bathroom. Well as soon as I started to leave he started to scream. Like I said a little frustrating. Especially when dinner needs to be made.
He finally started really laughing. But they are still few and far between. And he won't laugh at the same thing twice. Unless you haven't tried it for a few days. Then if your lucky, he will laugh at it again.
Also if he is fussy, all you have to do is sing a song he likes and BAM! He will stop fussing and just stare and smile at you! It's funny to see.
I know I talk about how fussy he is a lot but really he is happy a lot of the time as well. And when he is, he lights up the room. Especially first thing in the mornings.