
"The trick, my Brethren and Sisters, is to enjoy the journey, traveling hand in hand, in sunshine and storm, as companions who love one another." President Gordon B. Hinckley

Friday, March 14, 2014

Worlds worst blogger

So I am the worst blogger. There are multiple times a month that I think "I should blog this!" But it never happens. Then Blake turns another month older and then post after post is about Blake's new developments. And then it's known I don't do updates of daily adventures and stuff. And then I feel like a failure at this I-want-to-keep-a-blog-so-it's-a-family-journal thing. And such is life. Life with a VELCRO baby. Yup! It's true. Karma does come back to bite you in the but. And then you wonder if it came back to bite you in the but ten fold. Because there is no possible way you could have been just as clingy, if not more then your baby is to you. And you look forward to bedtime so you can clean up those dinner dishes. And then you go to sleep and wake up multiple times during the night with a crying baby. Who wants to eat every few hours at night still. Even at 9 months old. And then in the morning he wakes up jabbering. And you can't help but wake up and suddenly everything is good. Because he is so happy and smiley. And jabbering. And life goes on. Day after day. The same routine. And all is well. 

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